Feed Shark

Disclaimer: The future is not set. There are too many choices and possibilities between here and there to say for certain what will or won't occur. I offer information and insight, but no guarantees. I can help you search for how to bring happiness into your life, but I will not tell you when you will meet your life's love.


Anyone wanting a reading, sorry I don't do long distance readings you know over the phone or internet, the charge is $25.00 a reading. That price is for the reading, weather it is 20 minuets or an hour. Just contact me.


Sunday, June 14, 2009


The Aura is an energy field that surrounds and interpenetrates the physical body. This Life Force Energy helps to nourish and sustain all life forms including the mineral, plant and animal kingdom. The Aura can be seen intuitively and with the human eye. It is like a shimmering light of a candle in a rainbow of colors. The colors change with each passing state of the mind. Our mental, physical, emotional and spiritual states are reflected in our auras. There are seven major energy centers within the human body. These energy centers are called Chakras or wheels of energy. These spinning vortexes of energy receive, assimilate and distribute energy to hundreds of minor centers throughout the body. The energy or life force enters into the body through the Aura and moves through Chakras. The Chakras resonate and vibrate to the Seven Major Musical tones in a C Scale. They also correspond and vibrate to the seven colors in the rainbow. Balanced centers create a sense of harmony in the body. Harmonizing your environment, deep breathing, drinking plenty of water, eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, getting a bit of sunshine and drawing upon God's loving life force energy that surrounds each and every one of us can help these centers maintain balance. Aura Balancing is the process of combing, soothing and energizing the Aura. Energy is directed and distributed throughout the Aura and Chakra Centers. There is no lying on of hands in this process. It is merely energy work and it requires some knowledge and a bit of intuition. The aura is an energy field that surrounds and permeates the physical body. All that we say, think and do, is reflected in our individual aura. When a person passes over into spirit, all that is reflected in one's aura is retained in one's spirit. Many people have encountered near-death experiences and they report seeing their entire life flash before their eyes in an instant. When we transform into spirit we are able to view the far-reaching effects that we have had on the world during our entire physical incarnation. All of the joy, happiness, pain, sorrow and suffering that we have brought into the lives of others is seen and experienced simultaneously. We never truly know the extent of our effect on the world until this transformation is made. That which we perceive to be minor may, in actuality, have far-reaching and long-lasting effects or consequences. A few words of encouragement may be all that is needed to help transform someones life into something wonderful. In turn, these people may touch many other lives in a positive way. One harsh word, action or reaction, however, may send a person into the depths of despair. This despair will be reflected in all that this person thinks, says and does. It will, in turn, have an effect on all the lives that this individual touches. Unknowingly, we may be the proverbial straw that breaks the camel's back. You may not feel significant to the world, but you may be the world to another person. All of us are linked together and we affect one another in a chain reaction. All the people in the world, together, form a kind of gigantic nuclear reactor. A nuclear reactor is a powerful source that can be used to sustain or destroy life. All of humanity can work together to establish a world of peace. On the flip side of the coin, we can all work against one another, bringing forth world-wide destruction. We are like tiny little molecules, continuously acting and reacting. Choosing to do nothing is still a form of action. This may be considered to be a dormant state. Dormancy may be a hindrance or a saving grace when all factors are taken into consideration. God has given us free will, and we can follow the divine plan that God has in mind for us or we can get off course and create complications and disruptions that may lead to destruction. One split second decision may have life-long consequences. In a blink of an eye, life can be given or taken away. All that we have worked for on the material plan can be diminished in an instant. In this high-tech society, all the knowledge we have obtained over the years can become obsolete as quickly as we can turn our heads. Through our Faith, the only thing that cannot be diminished is our soul. Through the grace of God we can be granted eternal life. To have eternal happiness is to live in the presence of God forever. To have eternal pain and suffering is to live in the absence of God forever. AURA COLOR MEANINGS RED AURA:
Relates to the physical body, heart or circulation. The densest color, it creates the most friction. Friction attracts or repels; money worries or obsessions; anger or UN-forgiveness; anxiety or nervousness.


Grounded, realistic, active, strong will-power, survival-oriented.


Anger (repelling)


Passionate, powerful, energetic, competitive, and sexual. In a good, bright and pure state, red energy can serve as a healthy ego.


Loving, tender, sensitive, sensual, artistic, affection, purity, compassion; new or revived romantic relationship. Can indicate clairaudience.


Immature and/or dishonest nature


Confidence, creative power.


Relates to reproductive organs and emotions. The color of vitality, vigor, good health and excitement. Lots of energy and stamina, creative, productive, adventurous, courageous, outgoing social nature; currently experiencing stress related to appetites and addictions;


Creative, intelligent, detail oriented, perfectionist, scientific.


Relates to the spleen and life energy. It is the color of awakening, inspiration, intelligence and action shared, creative, playful, optimistic, and easy-going.


Emerging psychic and spiritual awareness; optimism and hopefulness; positive excitement about new ideas.


Struggling to maintain power and control in a personal or business relationship; fear of losing control, prestige, respect, and/or power.


Spiritual energy and power activated and awakened; an inspired person.


A student, or one who is straining at studying; overly analytical to the point of feeling fatigued or stressed; trying to make up for "lost time" by learning everything all at once.


Relates to heart and lungs. It is a very comfortable, healthy color of nature. When seen in the aura this usually represents growth and balance, and most of all, something that leads to change. Love of people, animals, nature; teacher; social.


A healer, also a love-centered person.


Creative with heart, communicative.


Jealousy, resentment, feeling like a victim of the world; blaming self or others; insecurity and low self-esteem; lack of understanding personal responsibility; sensitive to perceived criticism.


Relates to the immune system. Sensitive, compassionate, healer, therapist. BLUE AURA: Relates to the throat, thyroid. Cool, calm, and collected. Caring, loving, love to help others, sensitive, intuitive.


Peacefulness, clarity and communication; truthful; intuitive


Clairvoyant; highly spiritual nature; generous; on the right path; new opportunities are coming.


Fear of the future; fear of self-expression; fear of facing or speaking the truth.


Relates to the third eye, visual and pituitary gland. Intuitive, sensitive, deep feeling.


Relates to crown, pineal gland and nervous system. The most sensitive and wisest of colors. This is the intuitive color in the aura, and reveals psychic power of attunement with self. Intuitive, visionary, futuristic, idealistic, artistic, magical.


Imagination, visionary, daydreamer, enteric.


This is the color of abundance, both spiritual and physical. Lots of bright silver can reflect to plenty of money, and/or awakening of the cosmic mind.


Receptive to new ideas; intuitive; nurturing


Residue of fear is accumulating in the body, with a potential for health problems, especially if gray clusters seen in specific areas of the body.


The color of enlightenment and divine protection. When seen within the aura, it says that the person is being guided by their highest good. It is divine guidance. Protection, wisdom, inner knowledge, spiritual mind, intuitive thinker.


Draws or pulls energy to it and in so doing, transforms it. It captures light and consumes it. Usually indicates long-term UN-forgiveness (toward others or another) collected in a specific area of the body, which can lead to health problems; also, enteritis within a person's aura, chakras, or body; past life hurts; unreleased grief from abortions if it appears in the ovaries.


Reflects other energy. A pure state of light. Often represents a new, not yet designated energy in the aura. Spiritual, enteric and non-physical qualities, transcendent, higher dimensions. Purity and truth; angelic qualities.


Angels are nearby; can indicate that the person is pregnant or will be soon. EARTH COLORS AURA: Soil, wood, mineral, plant. These colors display a love of the Earth, of being grounded and is seen in those who live and work on the outdoors....construction, farming, etc. These colors are important and are a good sign.


Rainbow-colored stripes, sticking out like sunbeams from the hand, head or body: A Reiki healer, or a star person (someone who is in the first incarnation on Earth).


A sensitive blend of light and color, more so than basic colors. Shows sensitivity and a need for serenity.


Holding on to energies. Insecurity.


Blocking energies. Guardedness.


Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Make your own Bath Salts

One box of Epsom salt (Bath aisle in a discount store)

- Box of liquid food coloring
- Glass bottle (This could be a drink bottle) -
Curling ribbon
- Your favorite perfume
- A few bowls and spoons (A bowl and spoon for each color)
- Funnel or paper plate


1. Pour equal portions of Epsom salt into bowls. Pour enough to fill the bottle(s) you've chosen.
2. Pour a few drops of food coloring into the cereal bowls. A little goes a long way, so just a couple drops will work.
3. Stir the food coloring thoroughly, making sure to break up any clumps.
4. If you're making a small jar, you can spoon in the Epsom salt easily.
5. If you're filling a large bottle, you'll probably want to use a funnel or , bend a paper plate into a funnel.
6. Alternate colors or fill a bottle with all one color. You decide.
7. Once the bottles are full, put a drop of your favorite perfume in each bottle. The salt will absorb the scent and it will make your whole bath smell like your favorite perfume.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Dime Phenomenon

I have been finding dimes in some of the strangest places. It seems everywhere I look there one will be. I started keeping a log of where and when I found them. Sounds crazy right? But I was finding so many that I couldn’t ignore it anymore.

I was finding them right in front of me, where there were none before. Sitting at my desk, all day, and looking slightly to the left, there is a dime, and why had I not see it before? Laying in the passenger seat next to me, in the back of my mini van – just laying on the floor. In the washer when there had been no laundry done all day. Finding them in my pants pocket, knowing that there had been nothing in them at all, ever. On the ground at my van door, in the mail box, on the coffee table, in the filing cabinet in a file I have for my mom. Everywhere I went, not just at home, not just in my yard and van, but everywhere, didn’t matter where I went. The more I talked about it, the more it happened. The more I told people about it, they started experiencing this also.

Now it was time to start researching this, I began with an internet search and found many reasons. This is the first story I found on the subject.
"It's a widely accepted phenomenon. Finding dimes is a message from a loved one from "the other side". I have been finding dimes for five years, since my son died in a horrible car accident. I probably have 200 of them! And they are always in the weirdest places. On the shoulder of the road, in a driveway, etc. I almost always find a dime during a race (I am a runner). I stop to pick them up, and have been almost trampled by runners behind me. I put this dime tat on my wrist, in a spot usually covered by my watch. The silhouette is my son's instead of FDR. Now whenever I have to remove my watch, I find a dime. It always makes me smile." -Rachel (no last name)

There are so many stories like this; I couldn’t believe there were so many sharing my experience. Reminds me of the story “Pennies from Heaven.” The phrase widely accepted paranormal phenomenon makes me feel much better about my situation.

I was wondering if anyone out there also had this “phenomenon” happening to them? I would love to hear your stories.

I know that my dimes are from my mother who passed away almost three years ago. I do tend to find them when I am thinking about her, or if I am really sad about something. Now I think she just finds it funny to place them in the strangest places for me to find, just to watch my wonderment at how and why she put them there. And to my mother, I love you keep sending the dimes, I love them!


Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Definition of an Angel as per the Encyclopedia:
Benevolent spiritual beings who mediate between heaven and earth. They often serve as messengers of God or as guardians of an individual or nation.

What Are Guardian Angels?

Guardian Angels are spiritual beings that are "assigned" to assist you here on Earth in various ways. Whether there is one angel per person, one angel for several person or several angels for one person is open to question. But whether you believe in them or not, or whether you want one or not, believers of angels insist that you do have a guardian angel.

What is their assignment? "Angels intercept at many junctures in our lives and help wherever they can to make our lives run smoothly. Sometimes this is by inspiring a thought to spur us into action, at others it is to lend us super-human strength, such as in the case of a woman being able to lift a car long enough to free her trapped child. Or we hear of a runaway truck, with an unconscious driver at the wheel, inexplicably swerving sharply at the last moment to avoid a bus stop queue of people. In fact, there are many instances, which are often put down to luck, coincidence or even a miracle, but which have the touch of a hand of light behind it."

How Do We Know Angels Are There?

Even those who believe in the existence of angels concede that they rarely make a physical appearance. However, there are other ways guardian angels can make their presence known, they say.
Some people say that they hear angelic sounds totally beyond human description, others have a feeling of sudden warmth or comfort, or, in times of sadness or grief, a gentle cloak of feathered wings wrapping softly around them. Sometimes angel energy may feel entirely different - like a sudden rush of air created by the passing by of an 'angel on a mission' at the speed of light. This is often noticed at times of impending disaster. At other times, simply an inexplicable presence is felt.

Do We Know Who Our Guardian Angels Are?

Some people do know who their Guardian Angels are, but not all of us. I think also that our Guardian Angels change over time. As their job or role is completed I feel they move on. I also believe that Guardian Angels are different and have different roles then our Sprit Guides.

I know that when I was young and through out high school my Guardian Angel was my great grandmother, Maw’ maw Helen. There were just things that happened that I was protected from that have no other explanation. When in high school my father and step mother were fighting, and she (the step mother), refused to make sure I was up for school. Every morning my Maw’ maw Helen would start at my bedroom door calling my name, Sarah honey, Sarah honey, until I would sit up. As soon as I did, she would dissipate into thin air. This went on for years.

Anther times my step brother and I got into a fight, he was 10 years older then I, my great grandmother’s picture hung on the way by his bedroom door. After that fight her picture flung off the wall and went sideways to hit him, and every time they would hang her picture on that nail by his bedroom door, it would fall. My dad had to find another place to hang it. Even though it has been 19 years since my step brother passed away, that picture will not hang on that wall. I haven’t see or felt my great grandmother since I was in high school.

There are so many other examples in my life that I can refer too, there is not time nor space now. I am grateful for the Guardian Angels in my life, where would I be with out them?


Saturday, May 2, 2009


Meditation: deep thought, to reflect deeply, to spend time in the spiritual exercise of thinking about some religious theme, to contemplate, to plan.

Amidst the hustle and bustle in this high-tech, fast-paced world we live in, there is an ever-increasing need for meditation; a quiet time to calm the nerves, while gaining a sense of peace, focus and direction. Finding time in a quiet place to meditate can often be a bit of a challenge. For many people in this day and age, the demands of one’s daily work load keep increasing to the point of overload. Due to rapid technology, it seems virtually impossible for one to stay attentive to the present, as moment by moment drastic changes may occur. Added to this stress are the demands of children, family, personal relationships, friends, organizations, community service, etc. The list goes on and on. Finding time and space to meditate may seem difficult, but it is not impossible.

Remember the saying, "where there’s a will, there’s a way." It is important not to let the demands of the world we live in override the demands of the Soul. If the Soul’s demands are overridden, one’s sense of identity begins to diminish. The Soul struggles in torment and it becomes increasingly difficult to accomplish anything. Some of the signs of this override are burn-out, brain fade, depression and exhaustion.

The word meditation conjures up a number of images. First, there’s the Yogi, sitting in a lotus position, deep in trance. Then there are those individuals that perform such feats as walking on coals of fire, or laying on a bed of nails while experiencing no pain or physical harm in the process.

One does not need a Master to meditate. The average person does not spend hours on end in forms of meditation to accomplish such acts. There are many approaches and levels of meditation. The state of one’s mind as you approach meditation is of the utmost importance. If one is harboring feelings of malice, anger, hate, fear, resentment, revenge, lust or anything else negative, these feelings, if not released constructively, manifests into thought form. If you day dream, or fantasize about hitting someone in the face, the next time you are confronted by this individual you might just pop them without any provocation on their part. The mind has begun to plan; thus we have premeditated action.

Cultivate the practice mentally of surrounding people that aggravate you with white light (or the Christ Light). This light can appear in a variety of ways, such light encompassing someone in a form of an egg, a cylinder of light, a beam of light, or a room full of light. Next mentally send this person the love of God, or the Universe and ask God, or the Universe for a peaceful resolution.

There is an instant comfort when walking into a holy temple to meditate. This is because it is a place where people gather regularly to pray and meditate, invoking the presence of God. You can also create your own temple for meditation in a place that contains your personal vibration, your own little haven where you can block out the world and just be yourself. Each of us carries our temple everywhere we go, for the body is the temple of God, housing within it the soul.

To awaken the spirit of God that is inherent in each soul from the moment of creation one must go deep within the recesses of the mind, the heart, the inner sanctuary and ignite the Divine Spark. This is the spark that shines through the eyes of an infant or a young child. Reach inward to regain a sense of innocence and purity. The love of God and the love of a child are both unconditional.

If you feel as though you have no time or space in which to meditate, invent the time and space. First thing in the morning when your feet hit the floor, say in your mind, "I walk in the light of Jesus Christ. He is my salvation. He protects me all throughout the day and night." Reflect on the day ahead and ask for God's guidance. Say prayers while driving yourself to and from work. Find a quite corner at lunch where you can read and meditate. Reflect on the day as you get ready to retire at night and use a few moments before you drift off to sleep for meditation. You will be amazed at how much time you can get in for yourself each day.

It is important to have a focus when entering into a meditative state. Do not completely blank your mind, or allow just anything to enter. Focusing your thoughts upon a single image or idea prevents unwanted thoughts which touch upon anything and everything access to your mind. You are opening yourself up to distracting forces if you don't protect yourself, or have a positive focus. While meditating, direct your mind into positive channels. Ask that Jesus/the Universe surround you with His white light of protection. Try to sense a loving, soothing and healing light surrounding you. In your mind's eye, also try to see a glimmering white light surrounding you, extending thru you, all the way down your legs, out of the bottoms of your feet, anchoring you like roots on a tree. You may not be able to visualize this at first, but in time you may begin to see it. Make sure that your focus is positive. Ask for positive solutions to daily situations.

Focus on things that will bring positive changes into your life without bringing negative effects to anyone else. Things may come to you in ways you would never expect them to. One person's fortune may be someone else's misfortune, and it might be the last thing in the world you would want. Remember the saying, "Be careful what you wish for, you just may get it!" What we pray for or wish for may be much more than what we bargain for. Remember, if your intentions are pure of heart and of the light, you will be protected. Faith is your armor.

When you have completed your meditation, always remember to ground your energy. It is not productive to be a continuous, open circuit, receptive to anything and everything around you. To ground yourself, cover yourself with the sign of the cross, and imagine a protective shield covering your mind's eye. If you have found inspiration in your meditations, recall them, use them, and test them to see if they are useful to you. Give thanks for the opportunities to grow through these experiences, and look forward to your next meditation with hopeful expectation.


Friday, April 24, 2009


Cause and effect, whatsoever a man sows, that he shall also reap. For each action there is an equal and opposite reaction. There are a lot ways to describe karma, but it is essentially the belief that your present circumstances are the product of previous actions, and what you do today will affect what happens tomorrow. Karma is also associated with past lives -- each time you're reborn, the energies from your previous lives influence the conditions of your current life.

The Natural Law

The theory of karma harps on the Newtonian principle that every action produces an equal and opposite reaction. Every time we think or do something, we create a cause, which in time will bear its corresponding effects. And this cyclical cause and effect generates the concepts of (or the world) and birth and reincarnation. It is the personality of a human being or the jivatman - with its positive and negative actions - that causes karma.
Karma could be both the activities of the body or the mind, irrespective of the consideration whether the performance brings fruition immediately or at a later stage. However, the involuntary or the reflex actions of the body cannot be called karma.

Your Karma Is Your Own Doing

Every person is responsible for his or her acts and thoughts, so each person's karma is entirely his or her own. Occidentals see the operation of karma as fatalistic. But that is far from true since it is in the hands of an individual to shape his own future by schooling his present.
Hindu philosophy, which believes in life after death, holds the doctrine that if the karma of an individual is good enough, the next birth will be rewarding, and if not, the person may actually devolve and degenerate into a lower life form. In order to achieve good karma it is important to live life according to dharma or what is right.

Karma is sometimes referred to as a "moral law of cause and effect." Karma is both an encouragement to do good and to avoid evil, as well as an explanation for whatever good or evil befalls a person.

The Good or Bad Effect Is Neither Reward Nor Punishment
The so-called good effect or bad effect is not a judgment nor is it given as a reward or punishment by a superabundane authority such as God. The good or bad effect produced by good or bad Karma is purely and simply a natural phenomenon governed by natural laws that act automatically, with complete justice. If God has anything to do with it, then God must also act according to this natural law. This cause produces this effect. That cause produces that effect. God would not change this natural path because of his like or dislike of a particular person.


Sunday, April 19, 2009

Wonderful Quotes by Barbara de Angelis

No one is in control of your happiness but you; therefore, you have the power to change anything about yourself or your life that you want to change. Barbara De Angelis

No matter what age you are, or what your circumstances might be, you are special, and you still have something unique to offer. Your life, because of who you are, has meaning.
Barbara de Angelis

Men are just as sensitive, and in some ways more sensitive, than women are.
Barbara de Angelis

A man's brain has a more difficult time shifting from thinking to feeling than a women's brain does.
Barbara de Angelis

The real act of marriage takes place in the heart, not in the ballroom or church or synagogue. It's a choice you make - not just on your wedding day, but over and over again - and that choice is reflected in the way you treat your husband or wife.
Barbara de Angelis

I just want to get a Ph.D. in love.
Barbara de Angelis

Love's greatest gift is its ability to make everything it touches sacred.
Barbara de Angelis

The more connections you and your lover make, not just between your bodies, but between your minds, your hearts, and your souls, the more you will strengthen the fabric of your relationship, and the more real moments you will experience together.
Barbara de Angelis

No matter what age you are, or what your circumstances might be, you are special, and you still have something unique to offer. Your life, because of who you are, has meaning.
Barbara de Angelis

If you aren't good at loving yourself, you will have a difficult time loving anyone, since you'll resent the time and energy you give another person that you aren't even giving to yourself.
Barbara de Angelis

In order to experience everyday spirituality, we need to remember that we are spiritual beings spending some time in a human body Barbara de Angelis

Love and kindness are never wasted. They always make a difference. They bless the one who receives them, and they bless you, the giver.
Barbara de Angelis

Love is a choice you make from moment to moment.
Barbara de Angelis

Love is a force more formidable than any other. It is invisible - it cannot be seen or measured, yet it is powerful enough to transform you in a moment, and offer you more joy than any material possession could.
Barbara de Angelis

Marriage is not a noun; it's a verb. It isn't something you get. It's something you do. It's the way you love your partner every day.
Barbara de Angelis

Only when your consciousness is totally focused on the moment you are in can you receive whatever gift, lesson, or delight that moment has to offer.
Barbara de Angelis

The moment in between what you once were, and who you are now becoming, is where the dance of life really takes place.
Barbara de Angelis

We need to find the courage to say NO to the things and people that are not serving us if we want to rediscover ourselves and live our lives with authenticity.
Barbara de Angelis

When you make a commitment to a relationship, you invest your attention and energy in it more profoundly because you now experience ownership of that relationship.
Barbara de Angelis

Women need real moments of solitude and self-reflection to balance out how much of ourselves we give away.
Barbara de Angelis

You never lose by loving. You always lose by holding back.
Barbara de Angelis

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Thoughts From The Seat of The Soul

Thoughts from the Seat of the Soul is a beautiful collection of carefully chosen excerpts from Gary Zukav's celebrated bestseller The Seat of the Soul. Read the excerpts as you are drawn, you can be inspired every day or once an hour, or you can meditate on your favorite thought all month. Use them as an oracle, or to stimulate deeper insight, joy and appreciation of your life and the lives of others. This is powerful for those who are growing in consciousness and for those who want to. It is perfect for someone you love or for yourself.

Thoughts From the Seat of the Soul

Meditations for Souls in Process

by Gary Zukav

Are you comfortable with the thought that the Universe is alien and dead and no more then your five senses can detect? How does your heart respond to the thought that the Universe alive and compassionate and that with it and with other souls of great power and Light you learn through the process of co-creating the reality that you experience?


We were taught that the organism that that is best able to control both its environment and all of the other organisms in its environment is the most evolved. "Survival of the fittest." But our deeper understanding tells us that a truly evolved being is one that values others more then it values itself, and that values love more then it values physical world and what is in it.


While you are here you participate in the creation of both personal reality and impersonal reality. Just as you can participate in the creation of a building that will remain long after you are gone, you participate in the evolution of group energy dynamics that will remain after you are gone.

From the perception of the five sensory human, we are alone in the universe that is physical. From the perception of the of multi sensory human, we are never alone, and the Universe is alive, conscious, intelligent and compassionate.


Every physical form, as well as every nonphysical form, is Light that has been shaped by consciousness. No form exists apart from consciousness.


You create your reality with your intentions.


When we align our thoughts, emotions, and actions with the highest part of ourselves, we are filled with enthusiasm, purpose, and meaning. Life is rich and full. We have no thoughts of bitterness. We have no memory of fear. We are joyously and intimately engaged with our world. This is the experience of authentic power.


You are a dynamic being of Light that at each moment informs the energy that flows through you. You do this with each each thought, with each intention.


A thought is energy, or Light, that has been shaped by consciousness.


From the perception of the five sensory human, the physical would is an unaccountably given in which we unaccountable find ourselves, and we strive to dominate it so that we can survive. From the perception of the multi sensory human, the physical would is a learning environment that is created jointly, by the souls that share it, and everything that occurs within it serves their learning.


Reverence is an attitude of honoring life. You do not have to be authentically empowered to be gentle with Life or love life.


At each moment you choose the intentions that will shape your experiences and those things upon which you will focus your attention. If you choose unconsciously, you evolve unconsciously. If you choose consciously, you evolve consciously.

Here are 12 excerpts from this awesome little book. I'll add more in the next few days. To be continued .........


Monday, March 30, 2009


The word chakra means wheel or disk in Sanskrit. A chakra is an invisible, (to the normal human eye), center of spinning energy.

Through the chakras, we are able to receive and transmit social, sexual and spiritual energy.

In some since, everything you do or don’t do influences you energy and your chakras. It is important to balance the flow of energy of your chakras.

You may feel the energy of the chakras by using the hands. The size of a healthy, open chakra is about the size of your open hand. Place your open hand above ach chakra, (one at a time of course), being sensitive to variations of temperature, vibration and other subtle differences. Placing your open hand just above your chakra and rotating your open hand in a clock wise motion concentrating on your chakra opening, meditating, until you feel it open and clear. Repeat this for each chakra, starting with the Crown Chakra, and stopping with the Root or Base Chakra. As you are opening each one, concentrate on all the negative energy gushing out of your body, all the stress leaving, and only health energy flowing in.

I like to use a white, rich white, light flowing in through the Crown Chakra. I feel the white light flowing through by body filling up my head, flowing through my arms, down through my legs, and stretching far under me like roots of a tree grounding me.

There are too many uses for chakras for me to go into them all here, but this is a good start for opening, balancing and cleansing your chakras. I am including a list of Chakra and Color Frequencies to help you get started.

Chakra and Color Frequencies

1st Chakra: Base or Root Chakra: Kundalini: Root Chakra:
Located at the base of the spine.
Earth, survival, grounding, stillness
contains the primary 8 cells that have all of the knowledge of
creation and remain the only cells in your body that do not
change in your lifetime. It grounds us in the physical world.

2nd Chakra: Spleen: Located just beneath the navel, and
related to our sexual and reproductive capacity.
Blockage manifests as emotional problems or sexual guilt.

3rd Chakra: Solar Plexis: Seat of Emotions. Gives us a sense of personal
power in the world. Blockage manifests as anger or a sense of victimization.

4th Chakra: Heart Chakra: Blockage can manifest as immune
system or heart problems, or a lack of compassion.

Heart Center - Seat of the Soul in the hourglass of time - Zero Point

5th Chakra: Throat: Tied to creativity and communication.
Feels pressure when you are not communicating your emotions properly.

6th Chakra: Third Eye Pineal Gland:
Often connected to the forehead.
Is a physical eye at the base of the brain
with the capabilities of looking upward.
Clairvoyance, psychic abilities, imagination, dreaming

7th Chakra Crown: Connects you with message from higher realms.
Can be experienced as a pressure on the top of the head.
Spiritual connection, understanding, knowing, bliss, God.


Sunday, March 22, 2009

Reconnecting With “The Secret”

Most of us have heard of “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne, I truly believe in this way of living life. But somewhere along the way I have lost focus and need to refocus, you know get back on track and stay there. That is how this post came to be.

I know that much in life is simply a matter of perspective, not that it is inherently good or bad, success or failure, and its how we choose to look at things that make the difference.

Your life has purpose and meaning, you are not here to just fill space or to be a back ground character in someone else’s’ movie (life). Consider this: nothing would be the same if you did not exist. Every place you have been and everyone you have ever spoken to would be different without you. We are all connected, and we are all affected by the decisions and even the existence of those around us, and by those around them and so forth.

Cultivate friendships, rekindle past relationships, and take advantage of opportunities at work or among your neighbors to expand your friendship base. Surround yourself with people like yourself, who want to live “like” you. People need to feel that they are a part of something bigger, that they care about others, and others care about them.

Be open to new ideas, never stop learning and adapting. The world will always be changing, a very dear friend once said to me, “life is a fluid situation, it never stops moving,” I have never ever forgotten that and never will.

I’ve been reading “Sacred Signs Hear, See Believe Messages from the Universe,” by Adrian Calabrese. This book is a wonderful addition to “The Secret.”

As a child, and growing into adult hood, I have always used the law of attraction. I just didn’t know it, or what I was doing. As a child I thought I had some sort of “power” all my own, pretty funny looking back on it. It wasn’t until “the Secret” came out did I even understand it, I just knew it was.

So why for so much of my life have I used it to bring on things that are bad or wrong for me? I’m not quit sure, but I do know I am ready for a change, and ready NOW.

I have both the book and DVD of “The Secret," so why haven’t I been using this? I know I have put a lot of energy into my life for where I am now. So I have started rereading my books, making notes of the “secret summaries” so that I can read them as often as I need to. I’m even going to start on a visual board, and a visual journal to keep me focused.

It’s all about tapping into the might of the universe on any everyday level, ask for what you need and want. Using this to create a better life, and better way to live.

The power of the universe is vast, when we live in harmony with our source, our lives improve, and we find joy and fulfillment in each moment. God/Goddess/Spirit/Universe, no matter what your personal preference is, is a loving energy that wants you to have all you want in this life and is willing to help you achieve it.

Always give thanks to your higher power, by what ever you chose to call him/her for everything you have received and will receive.


Sunday, March 15, 2009

Reincarnation and Death

A good friend of mine just found out she is going to be a grandma for the second time, what wonderful news, she found out about 3 weeks ago or so. Last week her father passed away, very sad news. As we were emailing back and forth she said I should write about “death making room for a birth,” and I understood what she was feeling!

Almost 2 ½ years ago my beautiful grandson, Gabe, was born on August 23rd, my wonderful mother suffered a stroke on August 24th, and passed away on August 27th. I wondered how both feelings, one of joy and wonderment and the worst pain and grief I have ever felt, could be possible at the same time. Every thought passed through my mind, from was my mom going to come out in my grandson some how, to was my grandson named Gabriel because my mom is now an angel, to did my mom have to pass away to make room in our family? I have had 2 more grand daughters born since then also. I found myself trying to find my mommy in each of my grandchildren, because I was sure she would be reincarnated in one of them. The hard part is, in watching my grandchildren, even the 2 that were born before this happened, I can see my mom in each of them. Not that she was reincarnated in them but she in a way lives on because of them, her great grand children.

As I talked to my husband about this, he said one thing that stuck out like a sore thumb! That “death making room for a birth” just couldn’t be possible, because how could families indeed grow. I never thought about it this way before, but as I did, I think I agree. This led me to do some research on the subject.

I have had a very hard time finding exactly what I want. I have found many, many different web sites on what each person thinks and their beliefs. So I started with looking up the definition of reincarnation.

Reincarnation, literally "to be made flesh again", is a doctrine or metaphysical belief that some essential part of a living being (in some variations only human beings) survives death to be reborn in a new body.

So then I tried to look up what some of the more famous eastern religions and traditions said about reincarnation. There are many ideas out there, I want to show you what some of them are. With this you can come to your own conclusion as to what you believe. And trust me the different views on reincarnation will challenge you to think outside the square.

Eastern religions and traditions


According to the scriptures, the Buddha taught a concept of rebirth that was distinct from that of any known contemporary Indian teacher. This concept was consistent with the common notion of a sequence of related lives stretching over a very long time, but was constrained by two core Buddhist concepts: annatto, that there is no irreducible ātman or "self" tying these lives together; and anicca, that all compounded things are subject to dissolution, including all the components of the human person and personality. At the death of one personality, a new one comes into being, much as the flame of a dying candle can serve to light the flame of another.

Since, according to Buddhism, there is no permanent and unchanging self (identity) there can be no transmigration in the strict sense. Buddhism teaches that what is reborn is not the person but that one moment gives rise to another and that this momentum continues, even after death. It is a more subtle concept than the usual notion of reincarnation, reflecting the Buddhist concept of personality existing (even within one's lifetime) without a "Self". Instead of a fixed entity, what is reborn is an "evolving consciousness" or "stream of consciousness"), whose quality has been conditioned by karma. Buddhism suggests that samsara, the process of rebirth, occurs across five or six realms of existence. It is actually said to be very rare for a person to be reborn in the immediate next life as a human. However, Tibetan Buddhists do believe that a newborn child may be the rebirth of some important departed lama.

Skeptic Carl Sagan asked the Dalai Lama what he would do if a fundamental tenet of his religion (reincarnation) was definitively disproved by science. The Dalai Lama answered. "If science can disprove reincarnation, Tibetan Buddhism would abandon reincarnation... but it's going to be mighty hard to disprove reincarnation."


According to Hinduism, the soul (atman) is immortal, while the body is subject to birth and death. The Bhagavad Gita states that:

Worn-out garments are shed by the body; Worn-out bodies are shed by the dweller within the body. New bodies are donned by the dweller, like garments.

The idea that the soul (of any living being with a consciousness - including animals and humans) reincarnates is intricately linked to karma, another concept first recorded in the Upanishads. Karma, (literally: action) is the sum of one's actions and the force that determines one's next reincarnation. The cycle of death and rebirth, governed by karma, is referred to as samsara.

Hinduism teaches that the soul goes on repeatedly being born and dying. One is reborn on account of desire: a person desires to be born because he or she wants to enjoy worldly pleasures, which can be enjoyed only through a body Hinduism does not teach that all worldly pleasures are sinful, but it teaches that they can never bring deep, lasting happiness or peace (ānanda). According to the Hindu sage Adi Shankaracharya the world - as we ordinarily understand it - is like a dream: fleeting and illusory. To be trapped in samsara is a result of ignorance of the true nature of our existence.

After many births, every person eventually becomes dissatisfied with the limited happiness that worldly pleasures can bring. At this point, a person begins to seek higher forms of happiness, which can be attained only through spiritual experience. When, after much spiritual practice (sādhanā), a person finally realizes his or her own divine nature—i.e., realizes that the true "self" is the immortal soul rather than the body or the ego—all desires for the pleasures of the world will vanish, since they will seem insipid compared to spiritual ānanda. When all desire has vanished, the person will not be reborn anymore.

When the cycle of rebirth thus comes to an end, a person is said to have attained moksha, or salvation from samsara. While all schools of thought agree that moksha implies the cessation of worldly desires and freedom from the cycle of birth and death, the exact definition of salvation depends on individual beliefs. For example, followers of the Advaita Vedanta school (often associated with jnana yoga) believe that they will spend eternity absorbed in the perfect peace and happiness that comes with the realization that all existence is One (Brahman), and that the immortal soul is part of that existence. The followers of full or partial Dvaita schools ("dualistic" schools, such as bhakti yoga), on the other hand, perform their worship with the goal of spending eternity in a loka, (spiritual world or heaven), in the blessed company of the Supreme Being (i.e Krishna or Vishnu for the Vaishnavas and Shiva for the dualistic schools of Shaivism).

The principal Hindu Gods are Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva and their consorts Brahmani, Lakshmi and Parvati. While there is hardly any text describing reincarnation of Brahma and Brahmani, the rest of the Gods are known to have reincarnated in various forms under different circumstances. Lord Vishnu is known for his ten reincarnations, namely Dashavataras.

  1. Matsya (the fish)
  2. Kurma (the turtle)
  3. Varaha (the boar)
  4. Narasimha (half human half lion)
  5. Vamana (the dwarf brahmin)
  6. Parashurama (the warrior sage)
  7. Rama (the prince of Ayodhya)
  8. Krishna (the king of Dwarka)
  9. Buddha (the king of Kapilavastu who renounced the world)
  10. Kalki (the warrior) is yet to appear.

Each of these reincarnations has a specific purpose and a legend behind it.

Western religions and traditions


The overwhelming majority of mainstream Christian denominations rejects the notion of reincarnation and considers the theory to challenge basic tenets of their beliefs. Many churches do not directly address the issue, but indirectly, through teachings about death (see Particular judgment). A few consider the matter open to individual interpretation due to the few biblical references which survived the purging of texts considered to be heretical in the founding years of Christianity as a church. New Age Christians contend that reincarnation was taught by the early Christian church, but due to bias and mistranslations, these teachings were lost or obscured. Many of the philosophies associated with the theory of reincarnation focus on "working" or "learning" through various lifetimes to achieve some sort of higher understanding or state of "goodness" before salvation is granted or acquired. Basic to Traditional Christianity is the doctrine that humans can never achieve the perfection God requires and the only salvation is total and complete forgiveness accomplished through the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross wherein he took the sins of mankind. There seems to be evidence however that some of the earliest Christian sects such as the Sethians and followers of the Gnostic Church of Valentinus believed in reincarnation, and they were persecuted by the Romans for this.

A number of Evangelical and (in the USA) Fundamentalist Christian groups have denounced any belief in reincarnation as heretical, and maintain that any phenomena suggestive of it as deceptions of the devil. Although the Bible never mentions the word reincarnation, there are several passages through New Testament that Orthodox Christians interpret as openly rejecting reincarnation or the possibility of any return or contact with this world for the souls in Heaven or Hell (see Hebrews 9:27 and Luke 16:20-31)

The Bible contains passages in the New Testament that could be interpreted to allude to reincarnation. In Matthew 11:10-14and 17:10-13, John 1:21, the Jews ask John the Baptist if he is Elijah and John replies clearly that he is not, implying that Jesus' reference was meant in a figurative sense (which is what most Christians accept). It should be noted that Elijah never actually "died," but was "raptured" in a chariot of fire. Furthermore, the prophetic texts stated that God would send Elijah back to Earth, as a harbinger of Jesus Christ. As cousins they were born respectively to barren Elizabeth and Zacharias; Jesus, firstborn of Mary and Joseph, was the first to rise from the dead visibly demonstrating his power over death.

There are various contemporary attempts to entwine Christianity and reincarnation. Geddes Macgregor, wrote a book called Reincarnation in Christianity: A New Vision of Rebirth in Christian Thought, Rudolf Steiner wrote Christianity as Mystical Fact and Tommaso Palamidessi wrote Memory of Past Lives and Its Technique which contains several methods which are supposed to help in obtaining memories from previous lives.

Several Christian denominations which support reincarnation include the Christian Community, the Liberal Catholic Church, Unity Church, The Christian Spiritualist Movement, the Rosicrucian Fellowship and Lectorium Rosicrucianum. The Medieval heretical sect known variously as the Cathars or Albigensians who flourished in the Languedoc believed in Reincarnation, seeing each soul as a fallen angel born again and again into the world of Matter created by Lucibel (Lucifer). Only through a Gnostic 'Rebirth' in the Holy Spirit through Christ could the soul escape this process of successive existences and return to God. American psychic, Edgar Cayce supported the idea of reincarnation. He would reportedly go into trance and impart "life readings" of "previous lives" of people.

Native American nations

Reincarnation is an intrinsic part of many Native American and Inuit traditions. In the now heavily Christian Polar North (now mainly parts of Greenland and Nunavut), the concept of reincarnation is enshrined in the Inuit language. The survival of the concept of reincarnation applies across these nations in varying degrees of integrity, as these countries are now sandwiched between Native and European traditions.

Contemporary perspectives

Modern thinkers

During the Renaissance, a new flowering of public interest in reincarnation occurred. One of the prominent figures in the revival was Italy's leading philosopher and poet Giordano Bruno, who was ultimately sentenced to be burned at the stake by the Inquisition because of his teachings about reincarnation.

During the classical period of German literature metempsychosis attracted much attention: Goethe played with the idea, and it was taken up more seriously by Lessing, who borrowed it from Charles Bonnet, and by Herder. It has been mentioned with respect by Hume and by Schopenhauer.

Irish poet and Nobel Laureate William Butler Yeats proposed a novel theory of reincarnation in his occult treatise A Vision. According to Yeats’ view reincarnation does not occur within a framework of linear time. Rather, all of a person’s past and future lives are happening at once, in an eternal now moment; and the decisions made in any of these lifetimes influence all of the other lives (and are influenced by them).

Hermann Hesse, Literary Nobel Prize, 1946, expressed a viewpoint of "...reincarnation as a mode of expression for stability in the midst of flux."


Past reincarnation, usually termed "past lives", is a key part of the principles and practices of the Church of Scientology. Scientologists believe that the human individual is actually an immortal thetan, or spiritual entity, that has fallen into a degraded state as a result of past-life experiences. Scientology auditing is intended to free the person of these past-life traumas and recover past-life memory, leading to a higher state of spiritual awareness. This idea is echoed in their highest fraternal religious order, the Sea Organization, whose motto is "Revenimus" or "We Come Back", and whose members sign a "billion-year contract" as a sign of commitment to that ideal. L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology, does not use the word "reincarnation" to describe its beliefs, noting that: "The common definition of reincarnation has been altered from its original meaning. The word has come to mean 'to be born again in different life forms' whereas its actual definition is 'to be born again into the flesh of another body.' Scientology ascribes to this latter, original definition of reincarnation."

The first writings in Scientology regarding past lives date from around 1951 and slightly earlier. In 1960, Hubbard published a book on past lives entitled Have You Lived Before This Life. In 1968 he wrote Mission Into Time, a report on a five-week sailing expedition to Sardinia, Sicily and Carthage to see if specific evidence could be found to substantiate L. Ron Hubbard's recall of incidents in his own past, centuries ago.

Edgar Cayce

American mystic Edgar Cayce promoted the theory of both reincarnation and karma, but wherein they acted as instruments of a loving God as well as natural laws - the purpose being to teach us certain spiritual lessons. Animals are said to have undifferentiated, "group" souls rather than individuality and consciousness. Once the soul evolves through a succession of animal incarnations and achieves human status, it is not then reborn in animal form. Cayce's view arguably incorporates Theosophical teachings on spiritual evolution.


Eckankar offers a mix of Eastern and Western thought and reincarnation is a basis of this teaching. It teaches that the soul is eternal, and that it either chooses an incarnation for growth, or that an incarnation is given to it because of Karma. Similar to early Christian thought from the philosopher Origen, Eckankar postulates that the soul is perfected through a series of incarnations until it arrives at "Personal Mastery".

Seth and Jane Roberts

Seth, purportedly a discarnate entity channeled by the psychic Jane Roberts from 1963 to 1984, said that both humans and animals reincarnate, after which they move on to other planes of existence. He said that time is a "root assumption" of the physical plane, and that all lives are actually lived simultaneously in a "spacious present" which includes all past and future events. According to Seth, humans are multi-dimensional beings who have inner selves, outer selves or egos, and dreaming selves (among others). With each new life, a new outer ego is born which, when it dies, becomes part of the gestalt of souls which constitutes the entire self.

Henry Ford

Henry Ford was convinced he had lived before, most recently as a soldier killed at the battle of Gettysburg. A quote from the San Francisco Examiner from August 26, 1928 described Ford's beliefs:

"I adopted the theory of Reincarnation when I was twenty-six. Religion offered nothing to the point. Even work could not give me complete satisfaction. Work is futile if we cannot utilize the experience we collect in one life in the next. When I discovered Reincarnation it was as if I had found a universal plan I realized that there was a chance to work out my ideas. Time was no longer limited. I was no longer a slave to the hands of the clock. Genius is experience. Some seem to think that it is a gift or talent, but it is the fruit of long experience in many lives. Some are older souls than others, and so they know more. The discovery of Reincarnation put my mind at ease. If you preserve a record of this conversation, write it so that it puts men’s minds at ease. I would like to communicate to others the calmness that the long view of life gives to us."

George S. Patton

General George S. Patton was a staunch believer in reincarnation and, along with many other members of his family, often claimed to have seen vivid, lifelike visions of his ancestors. In particular, Patton believed he was a reincarnation of Carthaginian General Hannibal.

The New Age movement

There are people who say they remember their past lives and use that knowledge to help them with their current lives; the belief in this kind of occurrence is central to the New Age movement. Some of the people who remember, say they simply remember without any effort on their part. They simply "see" previous times and see themselves interacting with others, occasionally even different creatures besides people themselves.

Scientific research

Thomas Huxley, the famous English biologist, thought that reincarnation was a plausible idea and discussed it in his book Evolution and Ethics and other Essays. The most detailed collections of personal reports in favor of reincarnation have been published by Professor Ian Stevenson, from the University of Virginia, in books such as Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation and "Reincarnation and Biology: A Contribution to the Etiology of Birthmarks and Birth Defects Volume 1: Birthmarks" and "Reincarnation and Biology: A Contribution to the Etiology of Birthmarks and Birth Defects Volume 2: Birth Defects and Other Anomalies".

Stevenson spent over 40 years devoted to the study of children who have apparently spoken about a past life. In each case, Professor Stevenson methodically documented the child's statements. Then he identified the deceased person the child allegedly identified with, and verified the facts of the deceased person's life that matched the child's memory. He also matched birthmarks and birth defects to wounds and scars on the deceased, verified by medical records such as autopsy photographs.

A boy in Beirut spoke of being a 25-year-old mechanic, thrown to his death from a speeding car on a beach road. According to multiple witnesses, the boy provided the name of the driver, the exact location of the crash, the names of the mechanic's sisters and parents and cousins, and the people he went hunting with – all of which turned out to match the life of a man who had died several years before the boy was born, and who had no apparent connection to the boy's family.

Stevenson believed that his strict methods ruled out all possible "normal" explanations for the child’s memories. However, it should be noted that a significant majority of Professor Stevenson's reported cases of reincarnation originate in Eastern societies, where dominant religions often permit the concept of reincarnation. Following this type of criticism, Stevenson published a book on European cases suggestive of reincarnation.

There are many people who have investigated reincarnation and come to the conclusion that it is a legitimate phenomenon, such as Peter Ramster, Dr. Brian Weiss, Dr. Walter Semkiw, and others. Professor Stevenson, in contrast, published dozens of papers in peer-reviewed journals.

Some skeptics, such as Paul Edwards, have analyzed many of these accounts, and called them anecdotal. Philosophers like Robert Almeder, having analyzed the criticisms of Edwards and others, suggest that the gist of these arguments can be summarized as "we all know it can't possibly be real, so therefore it isn't real" - an argument from personal incredulity.

The most obvious objection to reincarnation is that there is no evidence of a physical process by which a personality could survive death and travel to another body, and researchers such as Professor Stevenson recognize this limitation.

Another objection is that most people do not remember previous lives. Possible counter-arguments are that not all people reincarnate, or that most people do not have memorable deaths. The vast majority of cases investigated at the University of Virginia involved people who had met some sort of violent or untimely death.

Some skeptics explain that claims of evidence for reincarnation originate from selective thinking and the psychological phenomena of false memories that often result from one's own belief system and basic fears, and thus cannot be counted as empirical evidence. But other skeptics, such as Dr Carl Sagan, see the need for more reincarnation research.

In Closing

In reading all this I still haven’t found an answer for myself or for Jane, (my friend), maybe there isn’t one yet, or maybe we just believe what we believe and continue educating ourselves and never let anyone or anything keep us in that square!


Friday, March 6, 2009

Interpretation and Meanings Tips and Tidbits Part 2

“What do the cards mean?” Is the question you have to be able to answer at least with a modest answer, before you can do much of anything with your deck of Tarot Cards. This simple question becomes the focus of the quest of knowledge that can last a life time.

A reading is more then memorization's of the cards, meaning probably most of the pages written in most Tarot books are dedicated to answering this question. Students of Tarot, even the experienced ones, spend most of their time on it, and Tarot teachers give most of there time and attention on this question. For new students memorizing the card meanings is usually the first great challenge of learning Tarot.

Often even more difficult then memorizing is the need to reconcile all the different sources of knowledge, learned from teachers and authors. Books and decks number in the thousands, classes can be found every where. While they all have Tarot in common, in what they teach is incredibly varied and inconsistent. How is a student, new or advanced, to find their way through this labyrinth? There is no definitive answer to the question, “what do the cards mean?”

For those of you who like straight forward answer to simple questions. Unfortunately the answer here is NO.

Definitions for the cards depends on variables, such as the different, sometimes even opposed, major traditional systems of interpretation and meanings; the many different decks and the very different intentions of their creators; and the wide personal differences of approach and opinion that exist between individual authorities.

I won’t even try to tell what the cards mean; instead I hope you’ll find well tested workable ways of choosing between methods, systems and traditions. Hopefully you’ll also find practical advice and answers to difficult, puzzling or delicate questions of interpretation and techniques for expanding your knowledge with out adding to your confusion.


I use the Rider-Waite deck because of the wealth of symbolism contained in the cards, with tradition behind them and the clarity with which they lend themselves to interpretation.

Not everyone likes this deck however. If you’re learning Tarot with this sometimes less then favorite deck, there is still a way that you can stay connected with other decks you like better without getting too distracted from your studies.

One way to start learning, some continue to do this after they are practiced readers, but a great way to start learning is by pulling a card a day, at whatever time is “your time” of day. Reserve this special ritual or special time for the deck of your choice. If you like, you can pull the same card from two decks and compare them. This is also an excellent way to “season” your cards/deck.

A way to expand this practice would be to draw the same card from several decks; this will give you a feeling for how different images can address the same issue in a given card. A strong Graphic example of what can be gained from the practice would be to compare a card such as Xlll – Death in several decks. If you were to do this I’m sure you would make interesting discoveries.


Sherlock Holmes’ success as a detective was based largely upon his powers of observation. This skill that can be learned and developed. It is a skill that will give you untold benefits as a Tarot Reader also.

A good exercise to practice is close observation, it works something like this: Choose a card you would like to study, and then spend a good 3-5 minutes studding the card. Memorize every detail, if there are things to count then count them, notice colors, clothing, posture, facial expressions etc. Notice where everything is in relation to everything else in the picture. Look at everything you will be surprised how many things you’ve never noticed before, even if you’ve been reading for years.

But one caution – in this exercise, observe only, and remember what you actually see. Don’t try to interpret anything, like mood or attitude or even the meaning. Do this exercise in complete silence and think of it as an act of awareness and intention. As part of the observation process close your eyes and see if you can remember the card in detail. Then open your eyes and examine the card again to see if you missed anything.

When you are finished, then turn the card face down and make a list of everything you can remember. If you’re working with a friend, you can take turns saying what you each recall about the card. When you can’t remember anything more, turn the card over and see what you’ve missed.


When a card pops out of the deck while shuffling, does it have any significance? In my opinion, absolutely! Of course you don’t have to take my word for it. If you’d rather ignore them, feel free to do so. There are really no hard and fast rules or absolute answers when it comes to this technique. It’s always a personal choice. You may wish to experiment with this and see if you get any valuable information from these cards.

In general it has been my experience that anything that happens during the course of doing a reading that calls attention or gives added emphasis to any card should be regarded as potentially useful.