Feed Shark

Disclaimer: The future is not set. There are too many choices and possibilities between here and there to say for certain what will or won't occur. I offer information and insight, but no guarantees. I can help you search for how to bring happiness into your life, but I will not tell you when you will meet your life's love.


Anyone wanting a reading, sorry I don't do long distance readings you know over the phone or internet, the charge is $25.00 a reading. That price is for the reading, weather it is 20 minuets or an hour. Just contact me.


Thursday, February 26, 2009

DECKS and or CARDS AND HARD HANDLING Tips and Tidbits Part 1

We all have to start some where, even though it may seem we have always known the tarot. You will want to know how/where to acquire your deck, if you do not already have it, and how to care for/handle your deck.

There are many questions that go along with your deck/s; how to evaluate different types of decks, there are hundreds even thousands that are available to choose from. Myself I have about ten different decks. How to use different decks for different purposes there are so many questions. I am sure I can only touch on a few of them.

The answers I give are in the form of reasonable guidelines drawn from experience, rather then rules. I am hoping that it will help you get comfortable with your cards/deck and maybe useful in passing along the knowledge to others.

So let’s get started!

Q: Can I buy my own tarot deck or must they be given as a gift.

A: There used to be a tradition that you should receive your first deck as a gift. Even though this is a beautiful practice, and I even gave my own daughter and two of my daughter in laws their first decks. But all the same it certainly is not required.

This tradition that was started long ago, when tarot cards were almost impossible to find, and back during that time there was only one way to get your own deck really, for someone to give them to you.

Today with so many different types of decks and how easily they are to get. So either way, gifting or buying your deck is proper.

Q: How to choose your tarot deck, when the decks are closed up in the boxes at the store?

A: Tarot decks do have their own energy, so holding the box in your hands will allow you to feel the decks energy and how it speaks to you. Sometimes stores have a display deck that allows you to look through the deck at each card.

Seasoning your Deck

By “seasoning” I mean make it yours, play with them and get to know your deck. Some even sleep with them for a few days. Its not only important to learn the meanings it is important to learn the cards themselves. Study your cards, what symbols are on them, is the water stagnant or flowing, are the cups full or empty, you get the idea.

Protecting Your Deck

You can keep your cards in the original box in which you bought them, but if you use them a lot the box will begin to break down. The cards you use, not the cards you collect, but the cards you read with are your personal, sacred tools and you should treat them as such.

Keeping them in a silk or cotton bag or even a special box will protect them and you will be able to use them for many years to come.

Silk has special qualities that make it a wonderful insulation against ambient energies. I wrap my deck in a silk scarf and then they are put into a small bag. Everyone has their own way of doing this and you will find yours.

Cleansing Your Deck

There are so many ways and beliefs of this subject, there are scores of rituals to also complete this as well. Myself I like it simple; I just feel sometimes less is more, (if someone gives you a deck or buy a used deck, cleanse them and then remember to keep them seasoned.)

My way of cleansing is to smudge it with my sage smudge bundle, white sage is better, waving it around, over and under my cards in a circular motion. Repeat this daily until you are comfortable with the results.

Clearing Your Deck

Before and after doing a reading, it is advisable to clear your deck; it is done quickly and easily. Simply shuffling your cards, until you’re comfortable, clearing your deck will remove any trace of energy from previous readings and prepare your cards for your next reading.

This is all for the moment, be sure to keep an eye out for Tips and Tidbits Part 2. Part 2 will be on meanings and interpretations.

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